Sunday, January 11, 2009

My love/hate relationship with January

Dear January,

You sure show up at just the right time, and this is said without a hint of sarcasm. Honest.

After all that holiday and birthday craziness your friends November and December throw my way each year, I'm more than ready to welcome you in for a nice, cozy stay. It's not about the resolutions thing you're so well known for, either. No, it's just this feeling you evoke, a sense of calm, of cleanliness even. I definitely feel it the moment the Christmas decorations come down, because let's face it: after 30+ days of blinking lights, stockings ultimately hanging haphazardly from the mantel and a Christmas tree that by the end has seen better days (not to mention better ornaments, thanks to a 3-year-old who ate an astonishing amount of the edible varieties), it all becomes a bit gaudy.

So, here you are, providing me with what feels like a clean slate. And, I don't need to tell you, my friend, that I'm very excited about saying sayanara to 2008.

And thrilled as I am to see you again, I'd be lying if I said you didn't bring with you some melancholy, just a teeny tiny bit. This is why: stretching out as far as I can see is....winter. Now, I am generally ok with winter. I like snow and even the cold. I'm a northern Michigan girl, after all. But still. For all of your wonderful attributes, January, I find myself pining for warmer times. Maybe at least you could allow some more sunshine to filter though?

But listen: I do love you for the following reasons:
1.) There's no better time to devour some really good books. I'm currently in the middle of The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond. A quick, suspenseful read that's tough to put down. I also recently read Same Kind of Different as Me, an incredible true story of two men you'd never imagine would become close friends, but do. Another recent fave, the historical fiction book Loving Frank, which haunted me in a good way for weeks after completing it.
2.) SmartWool socks. These are just too cool. They keep your toes toasty, not sweaty. They come in all sorts of styles and colors, including cushioned which is great for running. They're available online, but I found my two beloved pairs for less $ at Yoga for Health in Traverse City, MI. Not the cheapest pair of socks you'll ever buy, but well worth the price.
3.) An indoor perennial that brings color inside. My friend Jenna gave us two potted Paperwhite bulbs just before Christmas, and I couldn't believe how quickly this flower bloomed. Highly fragrant, she made sure to just give us two. They're elegant, simple and beautiful.

I could go on, but I better say bye for now.

- Me

How about anyone else? What gets you through the winter blahs?

1 comment:

Kandace Chapple said...

I didn't know about your blog until now! It's awesome! January gives me the blues too. I have to resist getting thru it with Cheetos and Soap Operas....