Friday, December 26, 2008

Life is good

Sometimes the stars align and you find yourself having a pretty perfect day. The best part? When you haven't even planned it that way.

After hanging indoors as a family for nearly two days -- entertaining relatives, assembling an absolutely ginormous Lego set and train set, watching old 80s movies like Back to the Future (and the sequels, after our kids got hooked on Marty McFly and his cool time machine) - cabin fever struck. Big time. The plan was to head for nearby hills and go sledding. But then my mother-in-law, at our house Christmas night, mentioned she'd love to have the kids come over the next day. And wah-lah! Not only were we scratching the itch to get out of the house, we could do so sans kids - and all the while they'd have fun building snow forts with their cousins.

Dropping the kids off mid-morning, we thought about going to the movies. I can't wait to see the new Kate Winslet/Leonardo DiCaprio flick Revolutionary Road. But in the spirit of frugality (a New Year's resolution I'm going to try to embrace), I suggested snowshoeing. The fact that we have about 17 feet of snow surrounding us helped the decision. And I am so, so glad we went. This is why the afternoon was just perfect: Not-too-cold weather; winding, quiet trails right in our own neighborhood; fluffy, deep snow ideal for a not-too-arduous-but-satisfying workout; steaming hot vanilla coffee in front of the fire after we returned.

The day is only getting better, too. As I type this, sitting next to our cozy fireplace, I can smell chicken chili cooking in the crock pot. In another hour, the house will be full of kids -- 7 total, including two toddlers -- but as chaotic as I'm sure it'll be, I'm also certain I'll be savoring the scene. Sharing a delicious meal with good friends, a great way to cap an already simply wonderful day.

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