Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Fitting Start

One of my most favorite things in the world is finding a good piece of writing. A book, a magazine article, even something as small as a quote. It has to be something that makes me think. The words may trigger an instant emotion or feeling, or maybe they sit with me for awhile and over time the meaning settles within, giving me even more to ponder as my mind wraps itself around what I've read.

I try to collect these things, keep track of these words and especially the authors. Likely my most loved author is Anne Lamott, whose writing so speaks to me. It doesn't matter what she's sharing - which, actually, is the beauty of her work. It's so varied, so personal, so honest. She's written so much that I adore -- her Operating Instructions is an absolute need if you're a new parent or about-to-be-new parent -- and her writing on faith is incredible (I thank my Aunt Thalia, a deacon in the Episcopal Church, for introducing me to her so many years ago).

Today I came across this piece Anne wrote for Can't believe I hadn't read it before...but that's the cool thing, too - I'm always blissfully surprised to stumble across something she's written and I've yet to read. Read it here. Enjoy!

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